About Data Science for Arts and Culture
A consolidation
This newsletter is an attempt to consolidate all of my outputs and Data Science for Arts and Culture is the umbrella term I am using to do that. The diagram below breakdowns my outputs into three areas: cultural data science; machine learning for creativity and design; and, computational photography.
I’ve brought data science to arts and culture in a number of ways and across a variety of roles as an:
Academic. I’m a cultural data scientist and researcher at The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at UCL measuring the value of art and culture in cities using data science and visualization. I’m also visiting at CUSP at King’s College London, the Sotheby’s Institute of Art and Christie’s Education.
Consultant. I’m the director of cultureincities, the world’s first data science consultancy dedicated to arts and culture, which builds on my academic research.
Artist. I create data visualizations and generative art under the alias vishualize as a data artist and I’m a visual artist in residence at the Public Sphere Salons.
Entrepreneur: I’m the co-founder and CEO of Photogram AI, a computational photography startup specialising in artificial intelligence for photography. We are building the Alice Camera™, an AI camera for content creators.
I’m also part of the Culture in Cities Research Network and Museums AI Network, I am on the Technical Reference Group for the next UK City of Culture, Coventry 2021, and I led data science for Waltham Forest Council as part of London Borough of Culture 2019. Before this, I worked as a Forward Deployed Data Scientist at Sotheby’s and studied at the Sotheby’s Institute of Art and the London School of Economics.